Continues the series of killing children..

Every day release new shows

your brain can't imagine it..

your humanity conscience can't accept it..

and after that you can't keep up silent!!

This video contains horrible stuffs.. but you have to watch it..

You'll see a father from Gaza.. who lost 4 kids at jan 06, 2009

He's standing in front of the camera and speaking

to the defence minister Ehud Barak in Hebrew language

" What did this child do to Barak? Look at his head!!

Look at the other child?? What did Barak do to him (for the elections)!!

For God sakes People!!

shots !! shots in children's chests!!

Look at the third child he's 3 years old

Would you accept this thing for your children?? "

He said..

There are a lot of fathers like this father..
doing there best raising up their children..
watching them.. supplying them with all needs..
they're the Roses of their lives.. the hopes of their future

They've been killed injustice..






This Sufferance ends when they....

Source : Rasheed